CLARINGTON, ONT. – The Bowmanville Hospital Foundation is pleased to announce Delpark Homes and Rescon Financial Corporation have generously donated $250,000 to the We Care, We Can campaign in support of the redevelopment and expansion of the Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital.
In 2019, the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation launched the We, Care, We Can campaign in support of the redevelopment and expansion of the Lakeridge Health Bowmanville Hospital. Over the course of a number of years, and world pandemic, the costs of the redevelopment and expansion are estimated at $736M with a community fundraising goal of $110M. Once completed, the expansion and redevelopment will feature a 178 bed capacity meeting the community’s growing needs, new expansion of the notorious Regional Eye Centre, semi-professional suites, new emergency department to accommodate the demand, establish a new Ambulatory Care Centre and a nine-station Hemodialysis Centre. The construction is set to begin in the Fall of 2025, with a full opening of the hospital scheduled for the Spring of 2028. To date the expansion is on time and on budget.
“In the midst of Clarington and Durham Region’s dynamic growth and thriving development, the exemplary actions of Delpark Homes and Rescon Financial Corporation stand out as a testament to their genuine commitment to identifying and addressing the pressing needs of our community”, says Kirk Kemp, the chair of We Care, We Can campaign. “This remarkable donation reflects a shared commitment to our community and ensures the hospital expansion is one step closer to being built”, says Kirk Kemp.
“We are proud to support the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation as they continue to make outstanding
progress in their redevelopment and expansion campaign” says Mark Di Giovanni, Vice President of Land Development at Delpark Homes. “Our commitment to the communities we serve extends beyond building quality homes; we try to make an impact in improving the livability of these communities, which in this case meant contributing to the expansion of critical healthcare services in Bowmanville.”
There are numerous ways the community can become involved in the We Care, We Can campaign. The foundation is urging the community to get involved; whether it is through spreading awareness, becoming a monthly donor, hosting fundraising initiatives, making a pledge, a planned gift or donating through the foundation’s website www.bowhf.com. “This generous contribution will inspire others in our community to step up and help ensure the expansion moves from paper to reality,” says Frank Cerisano, Chief Executive Officer, Bowmanville Hospital Foundation. “Please reach out to the Foundation office and see how you can become involved in supporting the hospital,” says Frank Cerisano, Chief Executive Officer of the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation.
The collaborative efforts of Delpark Homes and Rescon Financial Corporation serve as a testament to the power of corporate responsibility and community engagement, setting a commendable example for businesses to make a meaningful impact to the communities they serve.
For more information on the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, upcoming events, or how to contribute to their mission, please contact the Foundations Development Coordinator, Stephanie Lamanna at slamanna@lh.ca or visit their website at www.bowHF.com.
About Bowmanville Hospital
Bowmanville Hospital is a fully accredited hospital, servicing the Municipality of Clarington. It is run
by Lakeridge Health Corporation, part of the Central East Local Health Integration Network.
About Bowmanville Hospital Foundation
Bowmanville Hospital Foundation is a charitable organization that raises funds annually to fund
equipment needs, facility enhancements, and other high priority needs for Bowmanville Hospital. For
more information about Bowmanville Hospital Foundation, please visit www.bowHF.com.
For information contact:
Stephanie Lamanna
Development Coordinator
Bowmanville Hospital Foundation
W: 905-623-3331